Balancing Motherhood and Entrepreneurship

Jul 16, 2023

Balancing the roles of motherhood and entrepreneurship is a complex feat. It requires navigating multiple priorities while nurturing oneself. This blog post is inspired by our recent Zero Wasted Days Podcast Episode where we explore the transformative power of putting yourself first, challenging norms, embracing the strength of community, and healing sisterhood wounds to empower women on their journeys.

Putting Yourself First

You deserve to thrive both as an entrepreneur and as a mother, and by taking care of yourself, you pave the way for long-term success and happiness in all aspects of your life. It's easy to fall into the trap of putting everyone else's needs before your own, but it's essential to recognize that prioritizing your own well-being is not only permissible but necessary for long-term success and happiness. Just because you are a mother and an entrepreneur, doesn't mean you need to sacrificing your own well-being for you to have a successful business or healthy and happy family. The two can co-exist.

Investing in self-care is a vital component of achieving this balance. It means carving out time for activities that replenish your energy and bring you joy, whether it's practicing yoga, reading a book, or indulging in a hobby. By dedicating this time to yourself, you recharge your batteries and create a positive mindset that extends to your business and family life. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup, so taking care of yourself ultimately benefits those around you.

Setting boundaries is another crucial aspect of balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship. It's easy to blur the lines between work and family life, especially when you have a home-based business. However, establishing clear boundaries ensures that you have designated time for both your business and your family. By doing so, you create a structure that allows you to be fully present in each area of your life.

By prioritizing yourself, you set a powerful example for your children. By witnessing their mother being present, valuing her well-being and pursuing her passions, you inspire them to do the same. By nurturing yourself, you become a role model for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Challenging the Status Quo

In the pursuit of breaking barriers and challenging the established norms, it becomes essential to feel the fear and do it anyway. Stepping outside your comfort zone and venturing into unconventional paths requires courage and a willingness to face the unknown. It is through this process of pushing boundaries that true innovation, inspiration, and personal transformation are born.

It is essential to remember that behind every innovation and transformative idea lies a series of obstacles that were overcome through unwavering determination. By confronting fear and embracing adversity, entrepreneurs open doors to new possibilities and inspire others to challenge the status quo. They serve as beacons of inspiration, proving that with resilience, courage, and a growth mindset, individuals can reshape industries, disrupt norms, and create positive change.

The Power of Community

In today's digital age, geography is no longer a barrier to finding a supportive community. Online platforms and social networks offer avenues to connect with like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges of balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship. 

Within these online communities, the power of connection is truly transformative. Surrounding yourself with individuals who understand the challenges, triumphs, and daily juggling acts of balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship creates a sense of solidarity. You gain access to a wealth of diverse perspectives, experiences, and expertise that can help navigate hurdles and find innovative solutions. 

Moreover, the power of community extends beyond practical advice and support. Within these virtual networks, lasting friendships are forged, and genuine connections are made. The bonds formed in these communities are often built on a foundation of shared experiences, mutual respect, and a collective commitment to lifting one another up. Celebrating each other's successes, offering words of encouragement during challenging times, and providing a listening ear when needed, fosters a sense of belonging and nurtures personal well-being.

Healing Sisterhood Wounds & Empowering Women

In the journey of entrepreneurship, competing with other women can sometimes result in sisterhood wounds, creating divisions and hindering the collective growth of women as a whole. However, it is crucial to recognize the transformative power of shifting our focus from competition to collaboration. By nurturing a culture of sisterhood, we can heal these wounds and create an environment where women can thrive, inspire, and empower one another.

First and foremost, celebrating the achievements of fellow women entrepreneurs is a powerful way to foster unity and healing. Instead of feeling threatened or envious, let us uplift and congratulate one another on our accomplishments. Celebrating one woman's achievements does not diminish our own; rather, it contributes to a culture of support and inspires collective growth.

Collaboration is a cornerstone of sisterhood empowerment. By recognizing that we are stronger together, we open doors to collective success and innovation. When we set aside competitive mindsets and embrace collaboration, we unlock opportunities for joint ventures, partnerships, and shared resources. By leveraging our collective strengths and expertise, we can accomplish more and create a positive impact in our respective industries. Collaboration allows us to create a ripple effect of empowerment, as the success of one woman paves the way for the success of others.


Balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship is a journey that requires strength, resilience, and self-care. By putting yourself first, challenging norms, embracing the power of community, and healing sisterhood wounds, you can create a path of empowerment and inspire other women to follow their dreams. Remember, you have the power to nurture your business, family, and personal growth simultaneously, paving the way for success on your terms.


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