Our final Question for 2023: "What does Adventure mean to you"
This week on Zero Wasted Days, we've woven together the answers of “what does adventure mean to you?” as defined by the extraordinary guests we’ve featured this year including Sara Schulting Kranz, Diana Davis, Jill Wheatley, Kate Northrup, Sarah Lambert, Tracey Litt, Laura Sinclair, Allyson Byrd, Anna Kloots, Lea Pickard and Abbi Miller.
Hailing from diverse backgrounds and life experiences, each guest shares their unique tales of travel, pushing boundaries, and cultivating a mindset that fuels their adventurous spirits. From conquering mountain peaks to navigating the uncharted territories of their own minds, each guest shares what it means for them to live with a spirit of adventure in the hopes that it inspires you to reflect on and welcome in your own spirit of adventure in 2024.
Connect With Suzanne:
Sign Up For The Annuelle Planning Workshop: https://www.suzanneacteson.com/offers/7BSAmckT/checkout
Get The Life First Growth Method: https://www.suzanneacteson.com/lifefirst
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suzanneacteson/
Website: https://www.suzanneacteson.com/
Connect With Our Guests:
Ep 10 - Sara Schulting Kranz:
Website: https://www.saraschultingkranz.com/
Live Boldly with Sara Podcast: https://www.saraschultingkranz.com/podcasts/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saraschultingkranz/
Ep 11 - Diana Davis:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dianadaviscreative/
Website: https://www.dianadaviscreative.com/home-expired
Ep 12 - Jill Wheatley:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mtnsofmymind/
Website: https://mountainsofmymind.com/
Ep 13 - Kate Northrup:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katenorthrup/
Website: https://katenorthrup.com/
Ep 15 - Sarah Lambert:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesarahlambert/
Website: https://therosewoodagency.com/
The Expansive Entrepreneur Podcast: https://therosewoodagency.com/podcast/
Ep 17 - Tracey Litt:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelittfactor/
Website: https://thelittfactor.com/
Consciousness Revolution Gala: https://thelittfactor.com/the-consciousness-revolution-gala/
What Would She Do Podcast: https://thelittfactor.com/listen/
Ep 19 - Laura Sinclair:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itslaurasinclair/
This Mother Means Business Podcast: https://thismothermeansbusiness.buzzsprout.com/
Ep 21 - Allyson Byrd:
Codes of Magnetism: https://allysonbyrd.ac-page.com/magnetism-codes-instagram
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamallysonbyrd/
Website: https://www.poweredbyallysonbyrd.com/resources
Ep 25 - Anna Kloots:
Website: https://www.annakloots.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annakloots/?hl=en
Ep 26 and 27 - Lea Pickard:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lea.rewild/
Website: https://www.leapickard.com/
Ep 29 - Abbi Miller:
Break Your Biz Workshop: https://workwomb.myflodesk.com/breakyourbiz
Elevated Mastermind Circle: https://www.workwomb.com/elevated-mastermind-circle
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workwomb/