Reinventing business as the means to living
life first

Changing the rules of business & entrepreneurship


We've been taught that working harder will make us more successful and give us better results in business and in life. 

We've been fooled.

Success & happiness comes at the intersection of purpose & fulfillment, and comes when you start to prioritise the most important thing. 

Your life. 

"Inspiring and so relatable.
Just the motivation I needed."

- Thrive Women's Conference -

Hi, I'm Suzanne!












I'm here to make waves and inspire others to create their lives by their own design & live with Zero Wasted Days.

Here's why.

I’m a mother, and a wife. I’m a multiple property owner, and an investor. I climbed the corporate ladder to C level, built an award-winning bricks and mortar business, then moved across the world to reconnect to what mattered most. Ourselves. 

And 15 years ago I was living cheque to cheque.

My point is, I’ve done the journey. Scrambled, stumbled and somersaulted over the obstacles. And I’m here to let you in on the secret:

You can’t DO – set big bold goals, make action plans, achieve more in less time – without learning to BE. Harnessing the power of your own unique energy, is how we show up in the world and in our lives with a frequency that will move mountains! 

I learned the hard way by burning out after years of hustling & only working in the one mode I knew. The Life-First method I created not only changes my clients lives, it saved mine. 

So I’m not the 7-figures-but-no-soul mentor. OR the airy fairy life coach, all woo and no substance.

The key to self-defined success is both sides of the coin: smart strategy rooted in your own powerful energy.

What needs to underpin it all is your LIFE. 
This is where the Life-First Method started and what I love to inspire & guide people to find for themselves. 
Full Speaker Bio

Speaking Topics

The Life-First Approach to Wellness

As the Founder of the Life-First Method, Suzanne is passionate about helping redefine how we do business with a completely new approach to wellness & happiness.

The Life-First approach.

Women & Business

Empowering dream-makers & leap takers to learn how to speak their truth, be in their power & cultivate strong thought leadership as a means to sharing our unique gifts with the world. Suzanne inspires & motivates with this topic built specificially for ambitious & high performing women. 


Business & Personal growth doesn't come from smart strategy alone. Suzanne opens hearts and minds with this topic, showing how when we lead and think about how we are BEING and not just what we are DOING, we can move mountains. 

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